Pollination Kiwi Fruit Avocado


Our Pollen Hungry Hives have been pollinating orchards in the Whangarei region since 2005. Please preorder your hives as buildup for pollination is very important especially for Kiwi Fruit. The key is timing!

Best results are from hives that have been fed before pollination stimulating a honey flow. The aim of pre-feeding is to stimulate the Queen bee to lay a lot of eggs. The bees eggs then hatch into Larva over a period of 3 days and then require your orchards pollen, which to the bee is protein needed to feed their babies. 

Hives will also be stimulated in your orchard with our sugar syrup tank and pump from Ute to Beehive top Feeder. 

Pollen Hungry Hives is the Key

Call Steve for a pre pollination visit 0274422207 or info@steveshoney.co.nz